Hi This is

Shenoy Pratik

Software and ML Engineer

Hello World!

I'm an experienced SDE/MLE working in the software industry for past 6+ years. Currently, working at Amazon Web Services. I develop and contribute to OpenSearch-Project. My work focuses on intersection of Observability, Search and ML.

I graduated from University of Southern California in 2021, specializing in computer vision and deep learning. I was working as a research assistant at the Information Sciences Institute, towards building a DeepFake detection pipelines. My other projects involved developing an algorithm to detect images generated from GAN architectures, distinguishing between real and fake images.

Previously, I was part of SAP Labs solving object detection and recognition in the areas of retail and intelligent process automation. I have a proven history of building machine learning services including ideation, implementing architectures, training models and putting ML APIs to production.

Apart from Computer Science I love traveling, checking out new places and tasting new delicacies.

  • Name Shenoy Pratik Gurudatt
  • Experience 6+ Years
  • Country USA
  • Location Seattle, CA
  • e-mail pshenoy36@gmail.com
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What I do

Computer Vision

Developing production grade deep learning models with modern tools like Tensorflow, Pytorch, MLFlow, OpenCV.

Full Stack Development

Working on web apps which are scalable and cloud-native. Implementing apps in TypeScript, Javascript, React, Java, Kotlin.

Machine Learning

Building statistical models and publishing them as APIs with Python, Flask, Numpy, Scipy, Scikit-learn, Pandas.

  • Education

  • M.S. Computer Science - University of Southern California

    2019 - 2021

    Specializing in Computer Vision, Databases and Data Mining. My projects involved implementing AI algorithms, working with Big Data and Deep RL networks for game automation.

  • B.Tech. Computer Science - SRM University

    2012 - 2016

    My core subjects included Software Engineering, Soft Computing, Object Oriented Programming and Human Co.mputer Interaction. My Bachelor Thesis was based on wireless communication with DTMF tones.

  • Experience

  • Software Engineer - Amazon Web Services

    July 2021 - Present

    Maintainer and Contributor to the OpenSearch-project, as Open Source Initivate of AWS. Spefically working on Observability and Search Relevance projects. Actively engage with community and give talks at conferences

  • Graduate Reasearch Assistant - Information Sciences Institute

    Oct 2019 - May 2021

    Worked in the Vimal Lab at USC-ISI guided by Dr. Wael Abd-Almageed. Developed Deep Learning models to distinguish GAN generated deep fake videos and images with real ones.

  • Machine Learning Engineer - SAP Labs

    Feb 2016 - June 2016

    Designed Computer Vision pipeline for product detection and recognition in retail. Generated thousands of images using augmentation and set a training/inference pipeline for continuous evaluation of models. Published ML APIs in production for scale usage.

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